A Day's Ride
Irish novelist


關於 - A Day's Ride
版本 - 英文書
刊號 - 9DHKFU8ZWX6
發行 -

It has been said that any man, no matter how small and insignificant the post he may have filled in life, who will faithfully record the events in which he has borne a share, even though incapable of himself deriving profit from the lessons he has learned, may still be of use to others,--sometimes a guide, sometimes a warning. I hope this is true. I like to think it so, for I like to think that even I,--A. S. P.,--if I cannot adorn a tale, may at least point a moral.

Certain families are remarkable for the way in which peculiar gifts have been transmitted for ages. Some have been great in arms, some in letters, some in statecraft, displaying in successive generations the same high qualities which had won their first renown. In an humble fashion, I may lay claim to belong to this category. My ancestors have been ...

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