關於 - The Natural History of Religion
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The Natural History of Religion
Section I.: That Polytheism was the primary Religion of Men.
Section II.: Origin of Polytheism.
Section III.: The same subject continued.
Section IV.: Deities not considered as Creators or Formers of the World.
Section V.: Various Forms of Polytheism: Allegory, Hero-Worship.
Section VI.: Origin of Theism from Polytheism.
Section VII.: Confirmation of this Doctrine.
Section VIII.: Flux and Reflux of Polytheism and Theism.
Section IX.: Comparison of these Religions with regard to Persecution and Toleration.
Section X.: With regard to Courage or Abasement.
Section XI.: With regard to Reason or Absurdity.
Section XII.: With regard to Doubt or Conviction.
Section XIII.: Impious conceptions of the divine nature in popular religions of both kinds.
Section XIV.: Bad influence of popular religions on morality.
Section XV.: General Corollary.
編修發行 by 谷月社電子書