Folk-Tales of Bengal
Ghost Story Collections


關於 - Folk-Tales of Bengal
版本 - 英文書
刊號 - UP61QYSC1FH
發行 -

1.Life’s Secret

2.Phakir Chand

3.The Indigent Brahman

4.The Story of the Rakshasas

5.The Story of Swet-Basanta9

6.The Evil Eye of Sani

7.The Boy whom Seven Mothers suckled

8.The Story of Prince Sobur

9.The Origin of Opium

10.Strike but Hear

11.The Adventures of Two Thieves and of their Sons2

12.The Ghost-Brahman

13.The Man who wished to be Perfect

14.A Ghostly Wife

15.The Story of a Brahmadaitya

16.The Story of a Hiraman

17.The Origin of Rubies

18.The Match-making Jackal

19.The Boy with the Moon on his Forehead

20.The Ghost who was Afraid of being Bagged

21.The Field of Bones

22.The Bald Wife

編修發行 by 谷月社電子書