The Poems of Goethe
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關於 - The Poems of Goethe
版本 - 英文書
刊號 - 1ZU895RL3PN
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The morn arrived; his footstep quickly scared

The gentle sleep that round my senses clung,

And I, awak'ning, from my cottage fared,

And up the mountain side with light heart sprung;

At every step I felt my gaze ensnared

By new-born flow'rs that full of dew-drops hung;

The youthful day awoke with ecstacy,

And all things quicken'd were, to quicken me.

And as I mounted, from the valley rose

A streaky mist, that upward slowly spread,

Then bent, as though my form it would enclose,

Then, as on pinions, soar'd above my head:

My gaze could now on no fair view repose,

in mournful veil conceal'd, the world seem'd dead; The clouds soon closed around me, as a tomb, And I was left alone in twilight gloom.

At once the sun his lustre seem'd to pour,

And through the mist was seen a radiant light;

Here sank it gently to the ground once more,

There parted it, and climb'd o'er wood and height.

How did I yearn to greet him as of yore,

After the darkness waxing doubly bright!

The airy conflict ofttimes was renew'd,

Then blinded by a dazzling glow I stood.

Ere long an inward impulse prompted me

A hasty glance with boldness round to throw;

At first mine eyes had scarcely strength to see,

For all around appear'd to burn and glow.

Then saw I, on the clouds borne gracefully,

A godlike woman hov'ring to and fro.

編修發行 by 谷月社電子書